Press Releases

Written by Administrator   
Thursday, 15 April 2024 18:13


Natcore Ships completed samples to Potential Customers; successfully manufactures silicon quantum dots for tandem solar cell program

cEO Chuck Provini and Dr. Andrew Barron
participate in inaugural Pinnacle Digest radio show

RED BANK, NEW JERSEY – April 15, 2024 – Natcore Technology Inc. (TSX-V: NXT; NTCXF.PK) (“Natcore” or the “Company”) is pleased to announce that it has shipped sample wafers demonstrating the unique advantages of its Liquid Phase Deposition (LPD) process to potential customers in the solar industry.

At the request of four different international solar cell manufacturers, Natcore has sent sample wafers with anti-reflective coatings to the specific requirements requested by these potential customers. Natcore’s room-temperature LPD process has been used to grow anti-reflective (AR) films on these wafers with the necessary thickness, uniformity and purity for customer applications.

In addition, Natcore’s team at Nanotech West at the Ohio State University (OSU) has performed a series of process improvement experiments over the past three months, in anticipation of transferring the process to the “Natcore China” joint venture company. This is a very important step in the Company’s plan, as it will allow the team in China to come quickly up to speed in exactly replicating the process developed at OSU.

Through these experiments, Natcore’s scientists have confirmed that the within-wafer uniformity, wafer-to-wafer uniformity, and batch-to-batch wafer uniformity all exceed required levels. Moreover, testing has confirmed the consistent nature of the refractive index of the silicon dioxide-based films, as well as the excellent density, hardness and film-thickness control during growth from the LPD process.

Natcore’s team has also developed a prototype engineering design for the scaled process at the Natcore China JV, and begun design of an automated, manufacturing-scale system. A full equipment and facility requirements listing has been developed, and projected costs for equipment, air handing, water requirements and electrical demand for the scaled process at the joint-venture are now being outlined.

“Our ability to show the scalability and consistency of our product wafers over a series of small-scale production batches allows us, for the first time, to meet the sample requests of potential end-users,” notes Chuck Provini, Natcore’s president and CEO. “In combination with our recent testing and development achievements at Ohio State, we continue to make major progress out of the laboratory and toward a production line.”

The company is also pleased to report that its program at Rice University has achieved a significant milestone, having successfully manufactured silicon nanocrystals (quantum dots) of sufficient quality and suitable characteristics for use in its tandem solar cell research. This is an important advance toward the Company’s goal of developing low-cost, super-efficient silicon cells with efficiencies of over 30%, or about twice the power output of today’s most efficient mass-produced solar cells.

Natcore would also like to direct investor attention to the inaugural Pinnacle Digest Radio Show, which features CEO Chuck Provini and Prof. Andrew Barron commenting on the Company’s recent accomplishments and exciting goals. The radio show can be accessed at no charge at

On behalf of the Board of Directors,

“Charles Provini”

President & Chief Executive Officer


Chuck Provini

This e-mail address is being protected from spambots, you need JavaScript enabled to view it

Statements in this press release other than purely historical factual information, including statements relating to revenues or profits, or the Company’s future plans and objectives, or expected sales, cash flows, and capital expenditures constitute forward-looking statements. Forward-looking statements are based on numerous assumptions and are subject to all of the risks and uncertainties inherent in the Company’s business, including risks inherent in the technology history. There can be no assurance that such forward-looking statements will prove to be accurate, as actual results and future events could differ materially from those anticipated in such statements. Accordingly, readers should not place undue reliance on such statements. Except in accordance with applicable securities laws, the Company expressly disclaims any obligation to update any forward-looking statements or forward-looking statements that are incorporated by reference herein.

Neither TSX Venture Exchange nor its Regulation Services Provider (as that term is defined in the policies of the TSX Venture Exchange) accepts responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release.


About Natcore Technology Inc.

Natcore Technology is the exclusive licensee, from Rice University, of a thin-film growth technology enabling room-temperature growth of various silicon oxides on silicon wafers in a liquid phase deposition (LPD) process. Although the implications of this discovery for semiconductors and fiber optics are significant and wide-ranging, the technology has immediate and compelling applications in the solar sector. Specifically, the Company’s LPD process could enable silicon solar cell manufacturers to significantly reduce manufacturing costs and increase throughput, and has the potential to allow, for the first time, mass manufacturing of super-efficient (30%+) tandem solar cells with double the power output of today’s most efficient devices.

Having been independently tested and verified by one of the world’s most respected science and technology laboratories, Natcore’s technology is now in the process of being commercialized. Our goal: to make stand-alone solar energy competitive with conventional power generation.
Last Updated ( Thursday, 15 April 2024 18:18 )
Written by Administrator   
Wednesday, 31 March 2024 18:51




Vanguard’s technology to complement Natcore’s

VANCOUVER, BRITISH COLUMBIA – March 29, 2024 – One month after announcing the formation of a joint venture in China to produce equipment and materials for use in making solar cells, Natcore Technology Inc. (TSX-V: NXT; NTCXF.PK) is pleased to announce that it has executed a letter of intent to purchase Vanguard Solar, Inc., a private firm controlling key intellectual property in the field of solar energy. The closing of the transaction is subject to the completion of due diligence and mutually agreeable legal documentation.

Vanguard has been focused on the development of a flexible, thin-film photovoltaic material capable of silicon solar cell-like efficiency performance potentially at one tenth the manufacturing cost and one twentieth the capital investment.

Vanguard employs a proprietary chemical bath process similar to Natcore’s liquid phase deposition (LPD) technology, although Vanguard is growing II-VI compound semiconductor thin films on carbon nanotubes at room temperature and ambient pressure, while Natcore has thus far concentrated on growing silicon dioxide films on silicon substrates.

The first-generation products from Vanguard’s method could produce 15%-16% efficiencies at module costs of 60¢ to 70¢ per watt. It is anticipated that second-generation technology could achieve 20% efficiencies at even lower costs per watt. The investment for production facilities is projected as low as $10 million to $15 million per 100-megawatt to 150-megawatt production capability, as compared with current costs of as much as $250 million for standard solar-cell production facilities. Vanguard’s production equipment would be designed for insertion into an existing roll-to-roll film-coating line of the sort that has been displaced by the emergence of digital photography. All production materials are widely available and dramatically cheaper than silicon and other thin film systems. If successfully developed, the process would enable a very cost-efficient production capability in large-scale facilities.

Two of Vanguard’s founders and shareholders are Professor Andrew Barron and Dr. Dennis Flood, both of whom are scientific founders of Natcore. It was collectively felt that the acquisition of Vanguard Solar and the integration of its technology into Natcore’s intellectual property portfolio would continue to expand the depth and breadth of Natcore’s impact on the solar industry.

As consideration for the purchase of Vanguard Solar, Natcore has agreed to issue Vanguard shareholders common shares of Natcore Technology, subject to the approval of the TSX Venture Exchange. Specific terms of the transaction will be provided upon closing of the acquisition.

“We are particularly excited about this acquisition, because it represents another compelling outgrowth of Prof. Barron’s foundational work in chemical processes that mimic materials growth in nature,” says Chuck Provini, Natcore’s President and CEO. “In fact, the very name of our company, being a combination of ‘nature’ and ‘core,’ was chosen to reflect this remarkable synthesis of natural processes, such as the growth of an abalone shell, that grow extraordinary materials in widely varied environments. By employing ultra-pure chemicals and modern materials science, Prof. Barron has been able to combine the best of man and nature.”

Brien Lundin, Natcore’s Chairman, notes that “While we remain focused and committed to advancing our LPD technology for anti-reflective (AR) films and super-efficient tandem solar cells, the acquisition of Vanguard Solar provides significant additional value to our intellectual property portfolio. Meanwhile, our work to advance our LPD technology, and to finalize our joint venture agreement with our Chinese partners for the design and sale of AR-growth equipment, continues on schedule. We expect to provide more-detailed updates in the very near future.”

On behalf of the Board of Directors,

“Charles Provini”

President & Chief Executive Officer


Chuck Provini

This e-mail address is being protected from spambots, you need JavaScript enabled to view it

Statements in this press release other than purely historical factual information, including statements relating to revenues or profits, or the Company’s future plans and objectives, or expected sales, cash flows, and capital expenditures constitute forward-looking statements. Forward-looking statements are based on numerous assumptions and are subject to all of the risks and uncertainties inherent in the Company’s business, including risks inherent in the technology history. There can be no assurance that such forward-looking statements will prove to be accurate, as actual results and future events could differ materially from those anticipated in such statements. Accordingly, readers should not place undue reliance on such statements. Except in accordance with applicable securities laws, the Company expressly disclaims any obligation to update any forward-looking statements or forward-looking statements that are incorporated by reference herein.


Neither TSX Venture Exchange nor its Regulation Services Provider (as that term is defined in the policies of the TSX Venture Exchange) accepts responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release.

About Natcore Technology Inc.

Natcore Technology is the exclusive licensee, from Rice University, of a thin-film growth technology enabling room-temperature growth of various silicon oxides on silicon wafers in a liquid phase deposition (LPD) process. Although the implications of this discovery for semiconductors and fiber optics are significant and wide-ranging, the technology has immediate and compelling applications in the solar sector. Specifically, the Company’s LPD process could enable silicon solar cell manufacturers to significantly reduce manufacturing costs and increase throughput, and has the potential to allow, for the first time, mass manufacturing of super-efficient (30%+) tandem solar cells with double the power output of today’s most efficient devices.

Having been independently tested and verified by one of the world’s most respected science and technology laboratories, Natcore’s technology is now in the process of being commercialized. Our goal: to make stand-alone solar energy competitive with conventional power generation.

Last Updated ( Thursday, 01 April 2024 15:50 )
Written by Administrator   
Sunday, 21 February 2024 21:52


Natcore Signs agreement With Chinese
Consortium To take its solar technology
from lab to power grid

VANCOUVER, BRITISH COLUMBIA – February 22, 2024 – Natcore Technology Inc. (TSX-V: NXT; NTCXF.PK) (“Natcore” or the “Company”) is pleased to announce that it has reached agreement with a consortium in China to form a joint venture company to develop and manufacture film-growth equipment and materials using Natcore’s
proprietary Liquid Phase Deposition (LPD) technology.

Natcore has signed a letter of intent with the Zhuzhou Hi-Tech Industrial Development Zone (“Hi-Tech Zone”) to form a new company, “Natcore China,” with rights to manufacture anti-reflective (AR) film growth equip-
ment and materials. Natcore China will be 55% owned by Natcore Technology, with the Hi-Tech Zone and its partners (“Chinese Partnership”) holding the remaining 45% ownership position.

“This agreement is a major milestone in the growth of Natcore Technology,” notes President and CEO Chuck Provini. “Not only does it fully fund our remaining research, development and production costs for AR film equip-
ment, but it immediately plugs us into a network of end users in a country
that is one of the world’s largest and fastest-growing producers of solar
In short, it helps move us out of the lab and closer to achieving our
goal of making solar energy efficient enough to be affordable to the world.

Natcore China will be funded by an initial $3 million investment consisting
of $500,000 contributed by Natcore Technology, and $2,500,000 contributed by the Chinese Partnership. (All amounts in U.S. dollars.) Natcore China will have the exclusive right to develop, manufacture and sell AR film-growth equipment in China, and a three-year exclusive right to manufacture such equipment for sale outside of China. Natcore Technology and the Chinese Partnership have begun drafting a definitive agreement incorporating the principles reflected in the executed letter of intent. Completion of the agreements is subject to regulatory approval.

The Chinese Partnership will consist of the Zhuzhou Hi-Tech Industrial Development Zone and two Chinese firms, including a major producer of polysilicon and a manufacturer of industrial equipment used in the solar industry. Natcore’s partners project that the joint venture company will eventually create as many as 500 jobs in manufacturing and R&D.;

Key elements of the joint venture include:

Majority, 55% control of the joint venture company by Natcore Technology.

Operation in China as a local company, with all intellectual property protections accruing to such a position.

Natcore Technology funds 17% of joint venture; with the Chinese Partnership contributing 83%.

A fast-track development program initiated upon signing of a definitive agreement, with a projected timeline of 10 months to first product shipments.

Early integration of Natcore’s LPD film-growth technology into existing solar cell production lines, in advance of final equipment development.

The ability to fast-track revenues by accepting lead orders in China and throughout the world.

“We had always envisioned a joint venture operation in China as part of our long-term business plan, after we had completed development of our AR film growth equipment.” notes Brien Lundin, Natcore’s Chairman and co-founder. “But well before that could come to pass, we were approached by the Hi-Tech Zone with their offer to completely fund our AR film growth development program, and give us majority ownership in the joint venture.”

“We will retain control, enjoy a ready-made customer network and open up new avenues for funding of potential future joint ventures,” he adds. “It was an opportunity we couldn’t refuse.

Under the agreement, Natcore China will complete the engineering and production of self-contained, self-replenishing film-growth equipment that will recycle the chemicals and water used in Natcore’s LPD process. In advance of this, however, the Chinese Partnership envisions the incorporation of the technology into existing manufacturing lines through manual replenishment of the chemical bath. In this way, Natcore China would be able to serve its first customers, which may include members of the Chinese Partnership, before final product development is completed.

One of the key advantages of the Natcore LPD process is its relatively low environmental impact. “Pollution control and toxicity are very big issues in China now,” says Provini. “Our ability to not only reduce the cost of solar cell manufacturing, but to also do so in a much more environmentally friendly manner, is a very important benefit to our new partners and their customers.”

On behalf of the Board of Directors,

Charles Provini

President & Chief Executive Officer


Chuck Provini

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Statements in this press release other than purely historical factual information, including statements relating to revenues or profits, or the Company’s future plans and objectives, or expected sales, cash flows, and capital expenditures constitute forward-looking statements. Forward-looking statements are based on numerous assumptions and are subject to all of the risks and uncertainties inherent in the Company’s business, including risks inherent in the technology history. There can be no assurance that such forward-looking statements will prove to be accurate, as actual results and future events could differ materially from those anticipated in such statements. Accordingly, readers should not place undue reliance on such statements. Except in accordance with applicable securities laws, the Company expressly disclaims any obligation to update any forward-looking statements or forward-looking statements that are incorporated by reference herein.


Neither TSX Venture Exchange nor its Regulation Services Provider (as that term is defined in the policies of the TSX Venture Exchange) accepts responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release.

About Natcore Technology Inc.

Natcore Technology is the exclusive licensee, from Rice University, of a thin-film growth technology enabling room-temperature growth of various silicon oxides on silicon wafers in a liquid phase deposition (LPD) process. Although the implications of this discovery for semiconductors and fiber optics are significant and wide-ranging, the technology has immediate and compelling applications in the solar sector. Specifically, the Company’s LPD process could enable silicon solar cell manufacturers to significantly reduce manufacturing costs and increase throughput, and has the potential to allow, for the first time, mass manufacturing of super-efficient (30%+) tandem solar cells with double the power output of today’s most efficient devices. Having been independently tested and verified by one of the world’s most respected science and technology laboratories, Natcore’s technology is now in the process of being commercialized. Our goal: to make stand-alone solar energy competitive with conventional power generation.

Last Updated ( Thursday, 01 April 2024 15:50 )
Written by Administrator   
Friday, 18 December 2024 19:34


Natcore Achieves Key Milestone In
Initial Testing At Ohio State University

VANCOUVER, BRITISH COLUMBIA – December 18, 2024 – Natcore Technology Inc. (TSX-V: NXT) (“Natcore” or the “Company”) is pleased to announce successful initial testing results from the company’s liquid phase deposition (LPD) research and development program being conducted in the facilities of Ohio State University.

Specifically, Natcore Technology researchers working at Ohio State University have demonstrated that Natcore’s room-temperature, LPD silicon dioxide antireflection (AR) coating is the complete equivalent of the elevated-temperature CVD coatings used by the industry today. Importantly, however, the Natcore process produces the coatings at a significant reduction in cost.

Natcore’s scientists used the Company’s process to deposit a single-layer AR coating with a reflectance minimum of less than 8% for wavelengths of light in the range of values that maximize the output of a standard silicon solar cell. This performance equals or exceeds industry-standard single-layer AR coating performance for this material.

“We hit the target on what is essentially our first try in the program at Ohio State,” notes Chuck Provini, Natcore’s president and CEO. “We’ve already achieved industry standard levels for anti-reflectance, and we fully expect to significantly improve the results with further refinement of our LPD process in the near future. Moreover, these results provide the final testing data needed for potential joint-venture partners, and we intend to proceed aggressively along this front.”

Brien Lundin, Natcore’s Chairman, adds that “It is particularly gratifying that this R&D; program is being conducted with personnel and facilities previously employed by NewCyte, Inc. Natcore’s acquisition of NewCyte is thus providing early dividends, and we’re excited about continuing to leverage these assets to more-rapidly advance our technology.”

On behalf of the Board of Directors,

“Charles Provini”

President & Chief Executive Officer


Chuck Provini

This e-mail address is being protected from spambots, you need JavaScript enabled to view it

Statements in this press release other than purely historical factual information, including statements relating to revenues or profits, or the Company’s future plans and objectives, or expected sales, cash flows, and capital expenditures constitute forward-looking statements. Forward-looking statements are based on numerous assumptions and are subject to all of the risks and uncertainties inherent in the Company’s business, including risks inherent in the technology history. There can be no assurance that such forward-looking statements will prove to be accurate, as actual results and future events could differ materially from those anticipated in such statements. Accordingly, readers should not place undue reliance on such statements. Except in accordance with applicable securities laws, the Company expressly disclaims any obligation to update any forward-looking statements or forward-looking statements that are incorporated by reference herein.

Neither TSX Venture Exchange nor its Regulation Services Provider (as that term is defined in the policies of the TSX Venture Exchange) accepts responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release.

About Natcore Technology Inc.

Natcore Technology is the exclusive licensee, from Rice University, of a thin-film growth technology enabling room-temperature growth of various silicon oxides on silicon wafers in a liquid phase deposition (LPD) process. Although the implications of this discovery for semiconductors and fiber optics are significant and wide-ranging, the technology has immediate and compelling applications in the solar sector. Specifically, the Company’s LPD process could enable silicon solar cell manufacturers to significantly reduce manufacturing costs and increase throughput, and has the potential to allow, for the first time, mass manufacturing of super-efficient (30%+) tandem solar cells with double the power output of today’s most efficient devices.

Having been independently tested and verified by one of the world’s most respected science and technology laboratories, Natcore’s technology is now in the process of being commercialized. Our goal: to make stand-alone solar energy competitive with conventional power generation.

Last Updated ( Thursday, 01 April 2024 15:51 )
Written by Administrator   
Thursday, 10 December 2024 16:43



Natcore Technology Inc.: Shareholders Rights Plan to Be Implemented at Annual General Meeting

VANCOUVER, BRITISH COLUMBIA--(Marketwire - 12/10/09) - Natcore Technology Inc. (TSX-V:NXT - News) ("Natcore" or the "Company") advises that, subject to shareholder approval at the Annual General Meeting to be tentatively scheduled in early June, 2010 and the approval of the TSX Venture Exchange, a shareholders rights plan (the "Rights Plan") will be implemented. The Rights Plan is designed to encourage the fair treatment of shareholders in the event of any take-over offer for the Company. The Rights Plan will provide the Board and the shareholders with more time than the 35 days provided by statute, to fully consider any unsolicited take-over bid for the Company without undue pressure, and allow the Board to pursue, if appropriate, other alternatives to maximize shareholder value and to allow additional time for competing bids to emerge.

"We are still in the early stages of developing and deploying our technology," notes Chuck Provini, Natcore's president and CEO. "Ultimately, however, we firmly believe that the value of our applications, especially the dramatic advances we hope to achieve in solar cell efficiencies, could far exceed the current, relatively small market capitalization of our company. Thus, we are implementing a shareholders rights plan to protect and maximize the value held by our stakeholders."

Under the Rights Plan, a bidder making a Permitted Bid (as defined in the Rights Plan) for the common shares of the Company may not take up any shares before the close of business on the 60th day after the date of the bid and unless at least 50% of the Company's common shares not beneficially owned by the person making the bid and certain related parties are deposited, in which case the bid must be extended for 10 business days on the same terms to allow other shareholders to deposit to the bid. The Rights Plan will encourage an offeror to proceed by way of Permitted Bid or to approach the Board with a view to negotiation by creating the potential for substantial dilution of the offeror's position if a non-Permitted Bid is attempted. The Permitted Bid provisions of the Rights Plan are designed to ensure that, in any take-over bid, all shareholders are treated equally, receive the maximum available value for their investment and are given adequate time to properly assess the bid on a fully informed basis.

The Rights Plan is not being proposed in response to, or in anticipation of, any acquisition or take-over offer and is not intended to prevent a take-over of the Company, to secure continuance of current management or the directors in office or to deter fair offers for the common shares of the Company. The Rights Plan does not affect in any way the financial condition of the Company. The initial issuance of the rights pursuant to the Rights Plan is not dilutive and will not affect reported earnings per share or cash flow per share until the rights separate from the underlying common shares and become exercisable.

The Rights Plan is subject to the approval of TSX Venture Exchange and the approval of the shareholders. Shareholders should refer to the Information Circular for the Annual General Meeting when available for further details.

On behalf of the Board of Directors,

Charles Provini, President & Chief Executive Officer

Statements in this press release other than purely historical factual information, including statements relating to revenues or profits, or the Company's future plans and objectives, or expected sales, cash flows, and capital expenditures constitute forward-looking statements. Forward-looking statements are based on numerous assumptions and are subject to all of the risks and uncertainties inherent in the Company's business, including risks inherent in the technology history. There can be no assurance that such forward-looking statements will prove to be accurate, as actual results and future events could differ materially from those anticipated in such statements. Accordingly, readers should not place undue reliance on such statements. Except in accordance with applicable securities laws, the Company expressly disclaims any obligation to update any forward-looking statements or forward-looking statements that are incorporated by reference herein.

About Natcore Technology Inc.

Natcore Technology is the exclusive licensee, from Rice University, of a thin-film growth technology enabling room-temperature growth of various silicon oxides on silicon wafers in a liquid phase deposition (LPD) process. Although the implications of this discovery for semiconductors and fiber optics are significant and wide-ranging, the technology has immediate and compelling applications in the solar sector. Specifically, the Company's LPD process could enable silicon solar cell manufacturers to significantly reduce manufacturing costs and increase throughput, and has the potential to allow, for the first time, mass manufacturing of super-efficient (30%+) tandem solar cells with double the power output of today's most efficient devices.

Having been independently tested and verified by one of the world's most respected science and technology laboratories, Natcore's technology is now in the process of being commercialized. Our goal: to make stand-alone solar energy competitive with conventional power generation.

This press release does not constitute an offer to sell or a solicitation to buy any of the securities in the United States. The securities have not been and will not be registered under the United States Securities Act of 1933, as amended ("the U.S. Securities Act") or any state securities law and may not be offered or sold in the United States or to U.S. Persons unless registered under the U.S. Securities Act and applicable state securities laws or an exemption from such registration is available.

Neither TSX Venture Exchange nor its Regulation Services Provider (as that term is defined in the policies of the TSX Venture Exchange) accepts responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release.

Last Updated ( Thursday, 31 December 2023 16:02 )
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