Red Bank, NJ - (July 7, 2024) -Natcore Technology Inc. (TSX-V: NXT; NTCXF.PK) has received a subcontract from the Georgia Institute of Technology to coat a fabric with specific classes of nanoparticle materials using Natcore’s exclusive liquid phase deposition (LPD) technology. The coated fabric will be used to make wet suit-type garments that will protect the wearer from bacterial and viral infectious agents during extended exposure to polluted water.The nano-based material was developed in the Rice University lab of Professor Andrew R. Barron, a Natcore director and co-founder. Natcore, working through its joint development agreement with the Eastman Kodak Company in Rochester, NY, will put the fabric through a roll-to-roll coating process using nanoparticle solutions provided by Prof. Barron’s lab. Natcore will provide Georgia Tech with a sufficient length of the coated fabric to enable a small number of suits to be fabricated and tested.”This is an exciting and exotic application of our LPD technology,” says Chuck Provini, Natcore’s President and CEO. “The wet suits produced from this fabric could provide a crucial measure of safety for oil platform divers, Navy SEALS, first responders, and others who will be submerged in inhospitable waters.”
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