Code of Ethics
1. Introduction and Purpose
This Code of Ethics sets out the ethical and behavioral standards expected of Natcore’s directors, officers, employees and contractors. Its purpose is to elucidate the vision and values that govern our individual and collective behavior.
2. Corporate Vision
Natcore is to become a successful and innovative corporation researching, developing and commercializing leading-edge technology. To achieve this vision we adhere to the following values in all our activities:
3. Integrity and Objectivity
We are obligated to be straightforward, honest and sincere in our approach to our work, and to avoid improper personal benefits as a result of our position. We are obligated to ensure that our individual interests do not interfere, or appear to interfere, with Natcore’s interests. We will be impartial, intellectually and morally honest, and we will minimize actual and perceived conflicts of interest. We will be fair and not allow prejudice or bias to override our objectivity. We will not have any undisclosed and unapproved business relationships, including with joint venture participants, suppliers, customers or competitors, that might impair, or appear to impair, the independence of any judgment that we may make on behalf of the company. We will not pay or accept any bribe, gratuity or other inducements in the course of our business dealings on the company’s behalf.
4. Fair Dealing, Due Care
We will deal honestly and fairly with our shareholders, joint venture participants, customers, suppliers, professional advisors, competitors and other stakeholders. We will maintain a high standard of competence, undertaking work only that we can expect to complete with professional competence. We will complete our obligations with due care and in a timely manner. We will carry out our work in accordance with the highest technical and professional standards appropriate to that work. We will use the utmost skill and care in our recruitment and employment practices, and treat all colleagues with respect and dignity.
5. Use of Company Assets and Property
We will use our best endeavors to protect Natcore’s assets and property in our control for the company’s legitimate business purposes, and will not use that property for any other purpose, including for personal gain.
6. Use of Company Information
We will use information regarding Natcore gained during our relationship with the company only in the company’s best interests and not for personal gain. We will keep Natcore’s corporate information confidential at all times. We will trade our shares in the company in strict compliance with all applicable laws and, where required, will properly and timely report such trading. We will ensure that Natcore provides full, fair, accurate, timely and understandable disclosure in all reports and documents publicly disclosed, so that the public is properly informed and not misled by statements or omissions.
7. Compliance with all Laws, Regulations and Rules
We will at all times act honestly and in good faith, and comply with all applicable laws, including legislation, regulations, local by-laws and rules (including the TSX Listing Rules) and codes of practice in the countries in which we operate or where we have registered issuer status. We will ensure our corporate practices not only comply with all applicable laws and regulations but adhere to "best in class" standards.
8. Professional Behavior, Compliance with Corporate Policies
We will conduct ourselves, both at work and outside of business hours, in a manner consistent with the good reputation of Natcore, and will refrain from any conduct that might bring discredit to the company. In particular, all staff members will refrain from taking any action that improperly influences, coerces, manipulates, or misleads the firm engaged in the performance of the audit of financial statements of Natcore and our subsidiaries. We will at all times behave and conduct ourselves in a manner that is consistent with our vision and values set out in this Code, and will comply with all corporate policies.
9. Compliance with Code of Ethics
This Code forms part of every one of the our employees’ conditions of employment and for all officers and directors as well. Failure to comply with the Code can result in disciplinary action including, where appropriate, dismissal. Compliance with this Code shall be taken into account on a regular basis when assessing individual performance. Failure of contractors to comply with this Code may result in termination of the contractor's contract for services with the Company. If any person becomes aware of a breach, or suspected breach, of this Code, they must report it immediately to their manager and company secretary for action. If this is inappropriate or uncomfortable for the individual, the breach, or suspected breach, should be reported to another member of the senior management team and the company secretary for action. No action will be taken against any individual reporting a breach, or suspected breach, by virtue of that report. Subject to any legal restriction, the name of the person disclosing the information pertaining to breach, or suspected breach, of this Code will be kept confidential.