Natcore Research and Development Center

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We’ve received several questions with respect to how the Trump tariff on Chinese solar panels will affect the industry in general and Natcore in particular. There are still many variables that are not known with respect to the tariff, but here are some of my thoughts on the issue.

There are very few U.S. solar cell manufacturers. They do not have nearly the capacity that is needed for solar growth in the United States. There’s an axiom in physics that also applies to business: When a vacuum is created, it will always be filled….

We are creating the next generation of solar cells. Our technology will change the world.

We are Natcore Technology. We’re a solar R&D company.

And we are creating technology that promises to make solar energy even more cost-competitive with energy derived from fossil fuels.

To reach that goal, we must attain the highest silicon cell efficiencies at the lowest cost. Our technology promises to do both.

So we’re changing how solar cells are made. We have attracted a team of scientists well known for their achievements in the solar industry. We’ve established exclusive licenses and/or joint research agreements with Rice University, Fraunhofer ISE and the University of Virginia. We’ve received 34 patents (with 31 more pending).

Natcore is aggressively developing two primary technologies:

  • Low-cost, all-back-contact solar cell structures.
  • Black Silicon cells.

We’ve not only achieved exciting new scientific advances in these technologies, we’re also now engaging partners who will help us commercialize them.

We plan to generate revenue from these technologies via licensing agreements, royalties and material sales agreements with solar cell manufacturers and equipment producers.

And through our Best-of-Breed program—wherein we leverage our knowledge to function as a consultant on the design and construction of solar cell and panel fabrication facilities and solar farms—we plan to generate important revenue to support our R&D efforts.

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