Natcore Investors Exercise Nearly Four Million Warrants Print   PDF   E-mail  

Red Bank, NJ — (May 11, 2024) —Warrant holders of Natcore Technology Inc. (TSX-V: NXT; NTCXF.PK) have exercised more than 90% of the 4.4 million warrants issued in conjunction with a private placement when the company went public on May 9, 2009. Natcore realized nearly C$3 million from the exercised warrants.

Each unit of the May 2009 private placement consisted of a share of Natcore Technology priced at C$0.40 and one warrant with an exercise price of C$0.75. The warrant expiration date was Monday, May 9, 2024 at 4:00 pm Pacific time.

“We truly appreciate this positive response,” says Natcore President and CEO Chuck Provini. “It’s a sign of real investor confidence in Natcore. It shows that they strongly believe in our technology and in our prospects for the future.”

Within the past three months, Natcore has begun production of its intelligent antireflective (AR) coating machine; signed an agreement to sell that machine to TLNZ Solar Technology in China; received a patent on nanostructured solar cells, which will be the basis for a thin-film solar cell ; successfully used its liquid phase deposition (LPD) process to coat textured solar cells; passivated ‘black’ silicon; and established the Natcore Research & Development Center at Eastman Business Park in Rochester, NY. The company continues to make progress on its tandem solar cell.

An additional 2.8 million Natcore warrants, also priced at C$0.75, will expire at the end of the summer
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