Dr. Dennis J. Flood

Dr. Dennis J. Flood, Chief Technology Officer

Dennis Flood, PhD, is a Natcore co-founder. He has more than 30 years’ experience in developing solar cell and array technology for both space and terrestrial applications. At the NASA Glenn Research Center in Cleveland, he served for 15 years as Chief of the Photovoltaic and Space Environments Branch and led programs in advanced photovoltaic systems development. He received two Agency awards for his pioneering work on advanced solar cells for space applications and for research that established the feasibility of powering a human outpost on the surface of Mars with solar energy. He served as Chair of the IEEE Electron Device Society’s Photovoltaic Device Technical Committee, served as a member of the Society’s Education Committee, and participated in its Distinguished Lecturer Series. He presently serves on the International Advisory Committees of the European, the U.S, the Japan/Asia and the World Photovoltaic Conference organizing committees. He is an inventor or co-inventor on several patents or patent applications in photovoltaics and nanotechnology and has more than 100 peer-reviewed publications and presentations in solar energy, electron devices and materials science.